Normally, I only write about my teddy bears, but I have to share a problem I have got: I had ordered a kitten of a Russian Blue cat. She would be 12 weeks old on September 24th when I could pick her up. Just the other day the most beautiful kitten and its mother visited out garden. Of course, I didn't let our standard poodle out in the garden until I had seen the mother cat and the kitten had gone away. 5 minutes after I had let the dog out I looked out and saw the mother cat and my dog stearing each other in the eyes, just one meter apart. The the hunt began, but of course the dog couldn't catch the cat. That was when I saw a dead kitten lying on the lawn. My dog had just broken its neck.
Now I do not know what to do. I am not sure that I can trust my dog with a kitten in the house.
Mayby someone can tell me if they have had an experience like this. I still would like very much to have a cat - but do I dare?
For the sake of good order I should mention that the photo is not the kitten in question, but an other Russian Blue kitten.
Har ikke forstand på hunde, men det lyder ikke godt. Hvis jeg var dig, ville jeg spørge opdrætteren, om de synes, det er en god ide at løbe risikoen. Det er ikke fair at stikke noget under stolen.
SvarSletJeg er gammel katteopdrætter og ville personligt blive både vred og meget, meget ked af det, hvis en killing, jeg havde solgt, blev bidt ihjel i det nye hjem - især hvis der havde været advarsler i forvejen.
En hund KAN lære, at en killing hører til husstanden og derfor ikke er jagtbytte - men jeg ville absolut ikke tage chancen, da der ikke kan udstedes garantier for en hunds adfærd uanset opdragelse. Jeg mener, du må vælge hunden ELLER killingen.